God Himself Planted a Garden Blog



Dirty Chickens

Dirty Chickens

I love chickens! As a child growing up, my family didn’t raise them, so I was never exposed to them. However, in 1998, my husband and I decided to raise a few and as they say, the rest is history. Today, having a few token “yard birds” seems to be the trend, and from...

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Instant Pot Pumpkins and Promises

Instant Pot Pumpkins and Promises

One of the best things about fall is the heaping piles of fresh squash and pumpkins. In my younger days when I was a new wife and homemaker I wasn’t exactly sure how to cook either so I would turn to the canned versions. They were good but I always felt like the fresh...

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Open Your Farm Gates

Open Your Farm Gates

Fall is such a beautiful time of the year. Vibrant colors are everywhere and pumpkins abound! For those of us who have the privilege of living in a rural setting, it’s like God paints a masterpiece each day on the canvas of nature stretched out before us.  It’s...

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Hoe Lot of Help

Hoe Lot of Help

As anyone who works in a garden knows, it is very difficult to keep things well maintained without some good tools. When you’re facing a big job, you want and need good tools. There are so many options available today, and it seems like they literally have a gadget or...

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Preparing a Home

Preparing a Home

Fall is a great time to enjoy making garden projects that are on your wish list. Both functional and whimsical projects have their place, and making them can be fun family activities. It’s difficult for me to complete these type of projects during the spring and...

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Reminiscent Rose Petal Jelly

Reminiscent Rose Petal Jelly

Flowers are a special gift that God has given us. In Luke 12:27 we read, “ Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.” The beauty of flowers bring a garden to...

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There’s Protection in the Shade

There’s Protection in the Shade

One of the challenges in edible gardening is dealing with shade. Finding just the right spot for your garden can be difficult. On the back of many seed packets there’s information that will tell you what the growing requirements are for that particular seed. Almost...

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Seeds Tell Stories

Seeds Tell Stories

Have you ever known a really good storyteller? If so, you’ll never forget them! They speak words in a way that bring color into all of the black, white and gray images in our heads. Stories themselves are fundamental to human understanding and communication. They are...

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Cilantro Success

Cilantro Success

Several years ago, when I was working for the Department of Agriculture, I was visiting with the owner of a nursery who had a large greenhouse and grew plants to sell to the public. I asked him why he didn’t grow and sell cilantro since it seemed to be such a popular...

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