God Himself Planted a Garden Blog



The Favorite

The Favorite

Most people really love fresh tomatoes. Anytime we talk gardening, it’s usually one of the first things that comes up. Even though we grow a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and berries, people like to discuss tomatoes. They are the garden darling—the favorite. I...

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Dew You See?

Dew You See?

If you have grown up in Oklahoma, then you’re aware of the theatrics that surround our weather. The people who report the weather on our local news stations are not just meteorologists. They are well-known personalities with large social media followings. Locals have...

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Only God Knows

Only God Knows

I was visiting with a friend who is an expert in cyber security. He was telling me fascinating facts about cyber-attacks, and it just blew my mind. While I was trying to wrap my head around the amount of effort that a “bad guy” will go through for personal gain and to...

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The Greatest Service

The Greatest Service

Today, everyone wants to be an “influencer”—to make a difference.  As a matter of fact, many marketing strategies are built around this very principle. Let me explain. If a farmer grows coffee beans, he can sell those beans for pennies. If he turns them into a...

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Soup and Jesus

Soup and Jesus

In this complicated and difficult world, I love it when something is simple. Don’t you? In the food world, nothing is simpler than soup. And in the soup world, nothing fussy is required. Judith Martin, better known by her pen name “Miss Manners” once said, “Do you...

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Hope and Abundance

Hope and Abundance

Gardening this year has been a real challenge! We got a late start because the weather was unseasonably cool deep into the spring. Then we got hit with a lot of rain right at planting time. As a matter of fact, we had to replant because so much of our seed washed...

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Good vs. Evil

Good vs. Evil

One of the most hated garden foes is squash bugs! There are certain topics in edible gardening that just never seem to go away, and one of those is squash bugs. Adult squash bugs, Anasa tristis, can quickly wreck a gardener’s dreams of having fresh produce. They...

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Within the Tiniest Seed

Within the Tiniest Seed

Nothing screams summer like a big, juicy watermelon! According to the USDA Economic Research Service, more than 100,000 acres of watermelons were grown in the U.S. in 2020, producing 38 million pounds. Each year, hundreds anticipate the second Saturday of August, so...

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Beans and Blessings

Beans and Blessings

Something I learned while working for the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is that food availability and security has always been and will always be a concern. It doesn’t take much for one to look around and realize that something is currently...

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