God Himself Planted a Garden Blog



Sustainable Gardening & the Ultimate Sustainer

Sustainable Gardening & the Ultimate Sustainer

My grandma was born in 1919, and was raised in a very rural setting. It’s from her that I learned a lot of what I know about growing food, food preservation, herbs and life. One day, when she was in her late 90s, we were discussing organic gardening. We often...

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What God Intended for Good

What God Intended for Good

It’s unfortunate that today, the practice of “herbalism” is more often than not intertwined with ungodliness. Herbalism becomes spiritualism and many times crosses lines that God’s Word tells us not to cross. Like many facets of life, people take something that God...

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Displaced Soil

Displaced Soil

When I first started gardening, my focus was strictly on the plants that I was growing. I worked very hard to grow healthy plants that were free from pests and diseases and that would produce a good yield. I planted, watered, fertilized, supported, trellised and did...

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Fair Weather Worker

Fair Weather Worker

As a master gardener, one of the most common gardening mistakes that I see occurs each year in the spring.  People are tired of the cold winter weather and are tired of being cooped up. They’ve started receiving annual seed catalogs in the mail that are filled with...

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Two Cups of Tea are Better

Two Cups of Tea are Better

I grew up hating tea! The only kind that was ever around was Lipton, and nothing about it appealed to me. Even when it was infused with an obscene amount of sugar I thought it tasted terrible. As a young adult I began to hear about all of the health benefits of green...

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It Doesn’t Matter That He Chose a Grapefruit

It Doesn’t Matter That He Chose a Grapefruit

I went to college with a friend whose dad would do something every time we went to his house that would forever change my life. Upon hearing us come, he would immediately stop whatever he was doing and walk over and turn off the television. He would then invite us to...

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Small and Slow Things

Small and Slow Things

According to a study that was conducted by Microsoft in 2019, the average human now has an attention span of eight seconds. This is a sharp decrease from the average attention span of 12 seconds in the year 2000. WOW! Eight whole seconds! We are a nation of fast-paced...

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Work is a Gift

Work is a Gift

I grew up in a rural setting where my parents always had a big vegetable garden and our neighbors had an orchard, so it’s surprising to me the number of people that are unaware of where their food comes from. According to the American Farm Bureau, “The average...

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God Himself Planted a Garden

God Himself Planted a Garden

Freedom is a precious thing. Have you ever thought about this, “How free are you if you don’t have the ability to provide food for yourself?” We discover very quickly that we are not so free when we’re hungry and can’t provide food for ourselves. We don’t know where...

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